Digitalization and simplification of procedures along the entire supply chain.

Consultancy and innovative software solutions for international port, maritime and logistics operators, in tune with policy framework and technological trends

We anticipate your future needs, providing you with the best competitive advantage through innovative technological solutions, also based on the anticipation of policy driven changes.

We deliver advanced IT solutions and software products for port and inland terminals, multimodal transport operators and railway companies, port authorities, port communities and shipping agencies, shippers, freight forwarders and customs operators.

Discover Milos

Your Productivity
Boosted with Milos

Every day, Transport and Logistics operators need to adapt their operations, connecting their systems with an everchanging number of players and solutions.

Circle Group Federative Services enable quick and simple interoperability between existing intermodal supply chain platforms, improving decision-making efficiency and operational optimization.

By using customized connectors, the legacy systems can easily and automatically communicate with the surrounding logistics environment, effectively integrating the information made available from the connected third parties’ systems.


  • Reduction in cost and time
  • Reliable, secure and updated data, avoiding manual errors
  • Positive impact on the environment
  • Makes “smart systems” available, with proactive decision-making support (i.e., notarization)
  • Compliant with data management policies
Inland and Port Terminal Operators

Milos® TOS is a suite made up of several modules that can achieve effective global management of a multipurpose terminal, through full, digital streamlined processes and reliable federated interoperability with all the relevant stakeholder’s information systems.


  • Effective control of customs and administrative operations
  • Full interoperability with Port Community System
  • Integrated digitalization of Rail, Vessel, Yard and Gate activities
  • Mobile APP availability
  • Optimization of gate, equipment and HR management
  • Higher yard & gate productivity and handling efficiency
  • Time and cost savings

Main References

Multimodal Transport Operators & Rail Companies

Milos® MTO suite, composed of a set of integrated and interoperable modules, is capable of managing new rail connections, customer bookings, planning and execution of rail and intermodal transport as well as the full invoicing cycle.


  • Advanced modules to boost the efficiency of transport planning
  • Optimization of multimodal transport operations: truck triangulation and best trucker selection
  • Interoperability with third parties’ existing supply chain platforms
  • Improvement in decision-making and operational optimization, thanks to information visibility

Main References

Port Authorities & Port Communities

Extended Port Community System

Our Extended Port Community System (Sinfomar in Trieste Port is the First Project) has been developed to act as a one stop shop to digitally connect public and private players, effectively implementing port community processes. Including operators that range from the Customs Authority to the Coastguard, from shippers to transport providers and MTOs, from last mile logistic operators to shunting companies and from railway undertakings to inland terminals, it allows efficiency and fluidity of traffic to/from ports to be improved and simultaneously represents an important control and monitoring tool.


  • Full digital management of cargo and vehicle handling
  • Efficiency and fluidity of transport flows to/from the ports
  • Speeds up administrative & bureaucratic procedures
  • Allows real-time validation/clearance by competent public authorities
  • Provides federated approach & interoperability with different networks of ICT systems
  • Port Rail Platform

Main References

Shipping Agencies 4.0

CargoWeb is a software that manages all of the data entry operations necessary for creating CARGO files, both disembarkation and boarding including electronic corrections to manifests that have already been sent, with the consequent reading of the AIDA response and the acquisition of batch numbers for the generation of the relevant customs manifests. Furthermore, the software is also designed to dialogue directly with the PCS Sinfomar, ADSPMAO (it can therefore be adapted to dialogue with other PCS), with the management of the relevant landing terminal according to the specifications provided by the Port System Authorities. CargoWeb is always up to date with changes to the paths of the Agency of Customs and Monopolies.


  • Designed specifically for shipping agents
  • Manages all CARGO records as required by the legislation and its updates
  • Maintains a trace of all the manifests managed
  • Data collection to generate the ship arrival and departure manifests in a unique “Management of the Port Call”
  • Data management simplified into 4 screens: general data; goods on disembarkation; goods on board; goods in transit
  • Unique on-board equipment insertion (those present on arrival are automatically copied on to the departure, where they can be modified if necessary)
  • Simplified, automatic ship recall
  • Creation of files for the electronic correction of manifests that have already been sent, with the possibility of selecting which parts and which records to send
  • Automatic and simplified retrieval and association of all data on the outcome of the dialogue (number of manifests, A3 matches, FZ matches, Free Zone)
  • Ability to import your data on the goods in Disembarkation, Boarding or Transit in CSV or Excel format within the system, according to an already available path (with customizations available)
  • Initial consultancy and assistance in the dialogue with customs departments
Intermodal actors & Port Communities

Milos® Intelligence comprises integrated and interoperable solutions designed to enhance the planning, optimization, and control of the Supply Chain by integrating Optimization and Artificial Intelligence. These cutting-edge services play a pivotal role in assisting transport operators and decision-makers, empowering them to make optimal strategic, tactical, and operational decisions.

In Milos® Intelligence, tailored solutions are provided for the main operators of the logistic and transport sector, such as multimodal transport operators, port authorities & port rail shunting managers and multimodal & maritime terminals. It streamlines first and last mile trips, aids in identifying optimal road carriers, optimizes rail operation planning, and enables real-time monitoring and scenario simulation in port areas.


  • Decision Support Systems
  • Planning and management support
  • Operations optimization
  • Real-time system state monitoring
  • Simulations and predictive suggestions
  • Reduction of time, costs, and emissions

Main References

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