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Circle Group announces its participation
at the European Maritime Space Forum that highlights innovation and collaboration in maritime
sector, held on November 22, 2024 in Brussels, at the Borschette Conference Center.
The first European Maritime Space (EMS) Forum, organized by Circle on behalf of the European
Commission DG MOVE, brought together industry experts, policymakers, and stakeholders through
panel discussions and interactive sessions to discuss recent developments in maritime policy,
connectivity, digitalization, and port resilience, crucial topics to the future of European maritime
transport. In fact, the EMS aims to support the TEN-T regulation maritime dimension promoting
short sea shipping, improving connectivity, and supporting the transition to greener shipping
In her keynote speech, Gesine Meissner, the European Coordinator for the EMS, emphasised the
need for collaboration among stakeholders to achieve the ambitious goals set forth by new TEN-T
Regulation. More specifically, a better cooperation with relevant EU bodies like DG MARE
(Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries) and DG CLIMA (Directorate-General for
Climate Action) is essential for advancing maritime policies that can effectively deal with current
and future challenges.