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Circle S.p.A. contiues its growing path with operativity of MILOS® terminal operating system (TOS) suite within multipurpose terminal in the Port of Leghorn

Circle S.p.A. (“Circle”), company heading the homonymous group, specialized in the analysis and development of automation and digitalization solutions for the port sectors and intermodal logistics, listed on the AIM Italia market, organized and managed by Borsa Italiana, is upgrading and expanding its position in the MED area thanks to full operativity of Milos® Terminal Operating System (TOS) suite within CILP Multipurpose Terminal, main terminal operator in the port of Leghorn partecipated at 50% by NGI Group (Neri – GIP 2.0) and at remaining 50% by CPL.

The operativity of Milos® TOS suite took place within the challenging environment of CILP Terminal, characterised by different areas for the stocking of various product categories, that is forest products (over 700.000 tons in 2019), new cars (over 305.000 units in 2019) and vehicles (over 61.000 tons in 2019), project cargo (over 4.700 tons in 2019) and containers. Main effort of Circle and CILP teams was addressed to the entire complexity of Multipurpose Terminal.

Thanks to Milos® TOS suite it’s now possible to jointly manage all logistic, administrative and customs procedures within the Terminal. Moreover, Milos® TOS allows complete interoperability with other stakeholders’ IT systems such as those used by North Tyrrhenian Sea Ports System Authority, transport companies, shipping agencies and ship owners.

Luca Abatello, CEO of Circle stated: «This is the most articulate and complex project of a Terminal Operating System for a Multipurpose Terminal in Italy. It has been a huge challenge and I’d like to thank our team and CILP team for having worked side by side; I am very proud to have achieved such an ambitious goal».

The management of CILP confirmed: «We are very satisfied with the achievement of this first goal as it is a significant milestone in the path of relaunch and growth CILP has started 4 years ago with the objective of continuing to be a point of reference for Leghorn port community. We are convinced that this important step towards digitalization of our Company will support us more and more in the development of our business and new services related to it, with a contemporary vision and a confident glance to the future».

Further news about Gate Automation thanks to Internet of Things are going to be phased over the next months. This is possible thanks to the constant updating of Circle on 4.0 Supply chain in order to offer high value-added services to all players in the logistics sector.

CILP project adds to those developed during 2019 for Samer Seaports & Terminal in Trieste and Terminal San Giorgio in Genoa, demonstrating the increase of Milos® suite, as well as the growth of Circle Group in line with its development plan for 2020.

Circle SpA

Via G. Battista Pergolesi 26,
20124 Milano

Piazza Borgo Pila 40 (A/46),
16129 Genova

T. +39 010 86 91 039

© 2025 Circle S.p.A